Last night (Saturday), I went to Uncle Jang Korean Restaurant with Steven, Kayin, Sze Min and Joey (who didn't meet up for about 8 months plus). It was a simple hang out and it is quite enjoyable, as we manage to catch up with each others. And this time, I can talk more with Joey and Sze Min (at least more than Melaka trip!) Hahahahah!

I did enjoy & excited about their FYP. Creating mobile apps and sensor are much more exciting than mine (soaking & blanching spinach in order to reduce oxalic acid content, which may causes kidney stone in human body. zzz). At least, their FYP has more creativity space than me. Among them, I love Joey's FYP the most. LOL! XD

Uncle Jang Korean Restaurant was full of people, a little bit hot, perhaps Saturday night ba~ The food quite nice, worth a try. It would be nice if their workers can be more friendly. lol!
"Actually, it is Korean style fried noodles with rice cakes, chicken and cabbage, which served with side dishes (kimchi, pickled onion)."
Uhmmm mmm... I forgot to take the cooked food photo. zZzZz...

We were discussing about this: "What things that you won't do it alone?". Hahaha! For me, I used to be "feeling sienz" of doing something by myself in public, for fear that it would make me look like a loner. zzz. Thus, I won't:
1. Shop alone. It is bored since I don't love shopping much.
2. Watch movie in cinema alone. It is so weird to say: "one ticket please." =.='''
3. Hang out/Travel alone. Except if I decided to backpacking one day.
4. Take a walk/jog. It's damn bored lor~
5. Go for party. Must have at least one close friend to go together.
6. Bake/Cook myself a fancy meal. Maggie mee would be faster & easier to clean up.
So, what's yours???
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